Monday, 21 March 2016

Operation Thunderbolt 2016

On the weekend of the 18th-20th March 2016 we held our annual Group camp at the excellent campsite Walton Firs.  Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and our Young Leaders all joined in with activities ranging from archery to caving and even building fires.

On the Saturday we held a Mass which Canon Clark, Parish Priest of the Sacred Heart Parish celebrated for us.  After the Mass we were pleased to be able to hand over a cheque as a donation to the Parish for allowing us to use their wonderful facilities.  The donation was made up of money raised on our Sponsored Walk last year.

Below is our 2016 Group Photo!

Saturday, 5 March 2016

First Aid Training - update

First Aid training is an important part of Scouting and something that all complete from the Beavers section upwards.  The District now has a resident First Aid Trainer, none other than our very own Nick Day! Nick attended a week-long course allowing him to train groups in a variety of first aid qualifications.  Both Young Leaders and Assistant Scout Leaders must hold up-to-date first aid qualifications, and Nick will now help to deliver the training necessary for this, as well as the training to other Groups in the District.  Well done Nick!