Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Spring Camp 2016

Over the May Bank Holiday we once again returned to Woldingham School, Caterham.  The grounds were once again in impeccable condition with full use of the indoor swimming pool, sports hall, and the best wide game country to be found over the course of the weekend.  This year we celebrated the Queen's 90th Birthday as well as the 400th Anniversary of William Shakespeare's death. 

This was a great chance for some of the older boys to remind themselves of the customs of camping under canvas, and for the newer boys to learn the ropes (so to speak!) prior to Summer Camp.  The boys were exceptional, and all, including the HQ, had a fantastic weekend.  The camping competition was won by Pavlos' patrol, Romeo.  Well done to them on their success!

One of our Chaplains, Fr Peter Gallagher SJ, offered Mass for us on the Saturday evening and Tom Causton found a wonderfully peaceful and beautiful place for this to take place.   It was a truly special Mass.

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